I believe that the intersection in the lower left hand side is either Pitt and Mercer or Pitt and McDougall. I like this shot, a nice scene showing the bustling little town at the end of Ontario.
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I don't think it's Pitt at all. I think it's Chatham. Wasn't it just railway on the north side of the river? Pitt is to the right. Also, the building just left of centre ("W. Gray & Sons") says Chatham on it. I think that's the address. But I can't pick out any landmark buildings, to be certain.
It's Pitt. William Gray and sons was headquartered in Chatham and downtown, there were buildings on both sides of Riverside/ Sandwich. The question is about the cross street.I think the taller buildings are on Ouellette, Goyeau is in the middle of the field and the intersection would be Windsor Ave.
Found this in my explorations: Postmarked 1914; photograph taken earlier than the photograph in the similar Valentine postcard; looking west along Pitt Street from the intersection of Pitt Street and Windsor Avenue (no longer goes this far north); William Gray And Sons Co. Limited, on the northwest corner of the intersection, was a Chatham company that made carriages; the Herendeen Hotel (white building) is on the southwest corner of Pitt St. E. and Goyeau Street; this area was one of Windsor's factory districts;"Quaker Oats: the work food"; addressed to Miss Grace Mackey, Mount Kisco, New York.
I've see an old postcard that shows the old railway station, at the foot of Goyeau St., across Sandwich St.fom the Quaker Oats building.
Same scene but with a view of the train station.
Any idea from what vantage point was this image made?
Windsor without its Bridge is like a horse's head without a body. It is most Absurd, and it just does not have the appearance of being Whole!
My guess is that all of these pictures were taken from the fire hall on Pitt (between McDougall and Windsor.Fire stations commonly had a tower to hang the hoses in while they dried out.
The pictures would have been taken from the tower seen in this link at the back of the fire hall.
I'm inclined to agree, Joseph. I thought that the fire station was farther west but I just found it on International Metropolis closer to Mercer. AND the tower if west of here would be visible in the pic. The view point is set back a bit from Pitt which was the case for that station.