I was recently doing some research, and came across a reference to John Ross School on Bernard, south of Grand Marais. It was built in 1955 and designed by architect J P Thomson. Being Unfamiliar with the school, I looked it up on Google streetview. It seems like it had become a church after the school closed, and was recently vacant and up for sale. The building also housed the offices of the Sandwich East school board as well.

Looking at it on streetview, I noticed that there appeared to be an interesting stone sculpture over the front door, behind an overgrown pile of bushes. Being curious about the sculpture, I took a drive over there to check it out.

Sadly, I was too late, only the overgrown bushes remain. It did seem fairly fresh, and I don’t think I missed it by too much, but a bummer that it’s gone. Hopefully someone saved the stone panel.
wow, it was so good to see my old public school. And Miss Sternbauer, your comments were so great. You taught me in grade 5 there. You got married in the church on walker road and i think all the class attended except me. I was always so sickly but you came to visit me. So great to read about you, hope you are doing well. Love to get in touch. I realize you are now Mrs. Monforton. Small world , your student from a long time back Christine Hermann, then Christine Schertzer. Its a shame people are so quick to tear down. That is the difference between us and europe. They treasure their past, we like to make them parking lots.
Christine: Your message is totally flooring me. Thought I’d check my old grade school – John Ross – and found your message.. We were in the same class. I moved away from Windsor almost 40 years ago. I’m in California… Not far from Ontario (California!). The insane heat here suddenly reminded me of the heat growing up in Windsor, and I ended up here, looking at the pics of the former site of John Ross… and seeing your comment. And if she’s reading this, Hey, Mrs. Monforton! ????