This church always sticks out to me, visible from Tecumseh Road, but kind of tucked away in a residential area. The church was built in 1947, designed by J. C. Pennington. It looks to be in great shape. At a time when church attendance has fallen, and many churches consolidated and closed, it’s nice to see this one holding on. The parish was established in 1925, as a mission of Our Lady of the Rosary at Riverside and Drouillard. I’m not sure if this church replaced an earlier one, or maybe services were held at the school across the street?
About St Theresa’s Church on Norman St, yes there was an earlier structure, from a wikimapia page “ The present church was built in 1949 and replaced an earlier wood frame building erected in 1928 on the south side of Tecumseh Road East at Princess. In 2008 the St Theresa Parish merged with nearby St. Vincent De Paul Parish.”
Thanks Matthew. I’ll have to see what I can find on the first one.