MapsNotable Windsorites

The Legacy of Samuel Smith MacDonell

The name S. S. MacDonell may not mean much to the average Windsorite today, but this man was crucial to Windsor’s development, and is the man responsible for creating both Wyandotte and Erie Streets. Born in 1823 in Toronto, he went to college studied law and was called to the bar in 1847. He joined the North York militia in 1842, eventually becoming lieutenant-colonel in the Essex…
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Lost WindsorMapsOld AdsPostcards

Baby Park

Back in 2007, this website took a look at Boose’s Tourist Camp on Dougall Ave at Eugenie. In the 1920s & 1930s, as more people acquired cars, Motor Touring was quite popular and all those road trips meant that people needed somewhere to stay. Tourist camps began…
MapsOld Ads

Clinton Park Subdivision 1913

The early years of development of the city in the boom years before WWI saw parcels of the city being purchased and subdivided to meet the growing need for new residential areas in the Border Cities. One of these subdivisions was the Clinton Subdivision. Encompassing the…