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October 2011

Manning Hotel & Post Office – c. 1915

As is usual in old Windsor postcards, everything here is gone… A view looking east on Pitt Street towards Ouellette Avenue,with a streetcar rumbling past…

A good view here in front of the old post office, showing the old memorial fountain which was moved to Jackson Park when the old post office was demolished in 1929. Also interesting to note the old posts, that were also moved to Jackson Park. The two posts stood on either side of the driveway to the park.

I haven’t been to Jackson Park lately, the picture above is from last August. Anyone know if they were put back in place?


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  • As much as I love these old popstcards; it is really sad to see that nothing from the turn of the 20th century is left downtown.

  • it's sad to see those two old stone posts yanked out of the ground like a couple teeth i'd be willing to bet they won't be put back in their riginal spots at the entrance of the park i'd like to put my foot in Don Sadler's fat old ass because he's probably the one who gave the order to pull them out

  • now here's something you never see in windsor these days!! the woman walking her bicyle on the sidewalk and what appears to be a peanut vendor on the curb

  • gary - what's you issue with Sadler? Maybe I'm missing something he's done in the past, but he's done a remarkable job managing the parks and trees around the city so far as I can tell.
    Plus, he's been a huge supporter of the Spirit of he's all good in my book!:)

  • Oh.......about the posts. gary - I do beleive that's the coat of arms in the top. I havn't noticed if they were back in the ground. I'll take a look on my way home from work and report back. But I would doubt they would have been carefully layed down and left there while they remodeled the park if they were going to trash them. You got to remember that they were leaning like crazy and half sunken before they were pulled. So I would imagine if you were going to be enhancing the image of the park, you'd want to pull them out and straighten them.

    Thanks for the pic Andrew!

  • Well Aaron i worked for the city of windsor for 30years and although your right about the great job he's done with our parks i've also seen thigs done that nevwer surface that the public at large never find out about he's loke an extension of eddie francis

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