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July 2011

Jesuit Missionaries Cross

Happy Friday everyone, tough to believe it’s the halfway point of July already…

Today’s photo dates to September 19, 1927, and the caption on the back reads:

    Sandwich, Ontario
    Site where first settlers landed

Interestingly the cross is still there, but the date was corrected somewhere along the way…

As you can see here in the 1927 photo, the outside ring reads:

    The original cross was erected in 1728 by the Jesuit Missionaries

The cross today bears a revised date of 1748.

The inscription on the base reads as follows:

    Was re-enacted at the Old Boys Reunion Aug 1909.
    This permanent cross was erected by the Border Cities Old Boys in Aug 1922

I wonder who was responsible for and when date change occurred?

Have a good weekend everyone, see you back here Monday.


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  • From the Border Cities Star August 12, 1922 At this link,435181&dq=cross+old+boys&hl=en

    Partial Quote"
    "Fully twenty thousand persons witnessed an event in Sandwich Friday afternoon that will always have an important place in the history of municipality. The reenacting of the landing of the Jesuit Fathers at Sandwich in 1728, as performed by the priest of Assumption College and Church assisted by two score full-blooded Indians from the Walpole Island Reservation, will long remain in the memories of the throngs............"

    If I understand it correctly Old Boys Reunions were essentially like a high school reunion for an entire town or city where former residents were invited back for a party, sounds like it was a very big deal. With social networking today this type of event could easily be revived.

  • thats very interesting and i think i've seen it what i'd like to know is who the the border citys old boys were and what they were about

  • They were more than likely about bringing Christianity to the savages, sexual abuse and beating the indian out of native children. I heard they planted a few pear trees too. All around good guys I'm sure.

  • A friend here (Toronto) is a member of the Jesuit order and I'll bring his attention to this post. And, well, perhaps Dave's comments are a "little" extreme, but all taxpayers today are still funding Catholic separate schools in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta. So much for separation of church and state.

  • Too bad the dat is still off by one year. The first date was correct for the Mission to the Hurons moved from Boise Blanc. The first European settler on this side with a land deed was 1749.

  • i know where there is a small iron cross of the jesuit missionaries ,dated 1728 ,it was in the attic of a house on huron line (church)where i grew up, down the road from assumption church ,the house is no longer there ,it is said that priest from assumption had lived in this house ,the address of this house was 711 huron church ,does anybody know anything about this house,and also where should this cross belong ,,,please give back a reply..

  • You have it? I would give it to the Windsor Community Meuseum. I'm sure they'd love to have it in the collection. Just please don't sell it.

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