
February 2011

Wyandotte & Devonshire

Today’s picture comes to us from the John Stefani collection. A view from about 1908, looking west along Wyandotte Street from the intersection with Devonshire.

The building on the right is the Strathcona Building, designed by Albert Kahn and built in 1907.

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The Strathcona Building is still there, but the streetcar is long gone. Unlike most of Windsor’s older urban arterial roads, there is still a touch of tree cover here. Not like there was a century ago, but a little bit all the same.

Last day of February, let’s get on with spring!



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  • That is a great picture. I found a copy online somewhere...maybe the library of congress. I think there's a small dog under that ol' car.

    I really love those streetlights! Would those be gaslamps of were they electic?

    A sure sign srping is on the way was the lightning and thunder we had tonight!

    Thanks Andrew!

  • Wonderful stuff here from a collection that is second to none. Dutch elm disease killed a lot of the trees that we see in the photo if I'm not mistaken. Also, I believe the first school in Walkerville stood on the corner where the funeral home is now. It was later replaced by another Kahn designed building, King Edward School.

  • One of my favorite Windsor intersections. My mother used to work for Robert Langlois, Architect, who's office in the Strathcona Building overlooked the intersection. Climbing the stairs to the second floor was delightful for the exquisite crunching and groaning the stairs made under your body weight. They were CARPETED the last time I got to check them out: another simple pleasure of Windsor's varied history muted.
    Relatedly, I'm gratified to see the Wyandotte St. business corridor of Old Walkerville is picking up again in commerce and restoration. A bright spot. ~:-)

  • I'm curious about the lack of trees. What excuse does public works or planning dept give, for not allowing elms, oaks or large trees to line the streets? Everyone likes tree-lined streets but it's so rare to see today.

  • Regarding the lack of trees: Using the building on the right (Strathcona?) as a guide, it looks like the street has been widend quite a bit. Maybe to the point where there is not longer room for large trees. Just a theory.

  • not to get off topic but the site of the ouellette fire last month is now another empty lot i hope the city doesn't just make another parkette like thry did at maiden lane with useless chess tables that no body uses a few benchs and grass would be nice

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