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February 2008

More old photos of the W.E. & LS Railway, from the Bernie Drouillard Collection, digitized by John Stefani.

Waiting Room & General Offices at Kingsville. From the Ontario Hydro archives. c. 1921.

Waiting Room & Freight Shed at Essex. From the Ontario Hydro archives. c. 1921.

The Powerhouse at Kingsville. From the Ontario Hydro archives. c. 1921. The powerhouse is still standing in Kingsville. Click here to see John’s photos of the powerhouse on Flickr.

A photo of car # 318, location unknown. The back of the photo is noted “OHSC Archives Neg. No. HP 2828”. From the Ontario Hydro archives, c. 1921.

Here’s another shot with the Kingsville powerhouse in background. Car # 25 in the foreground. From the Ontario Hydro archives, c. 1921.

This shot was taken at the Car Barn on Chatham St. The barn is visible in the rear, to the right you can see the corner of the Eaton-Clark warehouse, that is still standing on Chatham St.

The four cars staged and ready to be moved in December, 1939. The photo must be on Aylmer St. downtown, around the corner from the car barn. The only section of rails left in the road stretched from Chatham & Aylmer to Howard & Erie. All four cars are on rails, so this was somewhere in this stretch.

Moir Cartage, was hired to tug the cars along the rails. As there was no longer any power lines above the tracks, the cars were not able to move under their own power. Note the children playing in the street, near some streetcars being pulled by a truck. I’m certain that there wasn’t any safer place for those children to be. 🙂

On the back of this photo written in pencil, it says: “”#507 at Cock Bros. Feeds & Grains Whse”. There is also a National Archives of Canada stamp on the back, Neg. No. PA152224. In September 2006, I did post on the Cock Brothers, but I have no idea if this was the same building or where their warehouse was.

Car # 507 as seen above at Cock Brothers. This photo is dated 1931, somewhere along the route.


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  • i hear ya JBM. i seen a picture of the ferry docks on Flickr and this dude was going on and on about how they were machines used to form the breakwalls and straighten out the riverfront!

    Ken, great to have you guys with us! that's interesting about the spur to the brewery, and i don't see whynot. the car in picture number 5 looks like a freight car and they did advertise freight service. it would probly be the SW&A since the tracks headed down riverside,and followed 18 to amherstburg. (i'm no expert, but i think i'm right).
    i beleive to get to essex by interurban, you'd take the WE&LS up howard to where the mall is, then the tracks follow talbot road to essex, ruthven, kingsville and leamington.
    all those tracks you spoke of are gone as far as i know, and the only tracks left in the road are at sandwich and mill.

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