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October 2007
Categories: Photo Du JourWindsor

More Lost History…

Out where the failed town of Ojibway stands, once of the few remaining peices of the Steel Plant that was supposed to make Ojibway into the Gary, IN or Pittsburgh, PA of Canada is coming down. Another chapter in Windsor’s rich history meets the wrecking ball… Big thanks to reader Nikki for the heads up as she saw the bulldozers at work yesterday morning.

Two world wars and a great depression, effectivley killed numerous plans for the massive factory, and only a small portion of which was ever built.

The building in the process of being demolished was the old Tin Mill. Some shots of the inside can be found at Mike B.’s excellent site, here.

Here are a few shots from April 2006.

Here are some photos from yesterday, as you can see they made good progress yesterday, and before long, the building will only be a memory, much like the former Town of Ojibway.


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  • I never knew those bulidings even existed. Thanks for the lesson. I am glad that the area didn't become like Gary, Ind but Pittsburgh would have been interesting.

  • how long do you think it will be before the Chrysler minivan plant meets the same fate as Ojibway? I'm predicting two years.

  • i got news for joe and paul. the price of a barrel of oil closed at over $90 a barrel yesterday. That's the highest it's ever been and according to a group of energy analysts that were on the channel 56 newshour friday, they expect the price to hit $100 a barrel by january under the best case scenario. they said if things continue to heat up in the middle east, expect prices to jump to $150 a barrel by the middle of next year. and let's not forget the fallout from the sub-prime mortgage fiasco in the united states. we haven't seen the worst of that blunder according to lot of financial experts. there's going to be a lot of pain rippling through our economy, and i doubt the average consumer will be in the mood for a new minivan when they've got enough trouble keeping a roof over their heads. gloat all you want but pretty soon an awful lot of card-carrying caw members over at the minivan plant will be out of work and there's not a thing you or buzz hargrove can do about it. have a nice day.

  • Windsor Assembly will have its ups and downs, as it always has..... but in two years that plant will still be open, and you will still be insanely jealous of the earning power of its CAW workforce. Bank on that!

  • George, you're obviously here to pick a fight with CAW members. Why don't you direct your jealousy into a letter to the Windsor Star? They love printing that garbage. This WAS a post about lost history, and I'm sure everyone else would appreciate it if it stayed that way.

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