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October 2007
Categories: Photo Du JourWindsor

More Lost History…

Out where the failed town of Ojibway stands, once of the few remaining peices of the Steel Plant that was supposed to make Ojibway into the Gary, IN or Pittsburgh, PA of Canada is coming down. Another chapter in Windsor’s rich history meets the wrecking ball… Big thanks to reader Nikki for the heads up as she saw the bulldozers at work yesterday morning.

Two world wars and a great depression, effectivley killed numerous plans for the massive factory, and only a small portion of which was ever built.

The building in the process of being demolished was the old Tin Mill. Some shots of the inside can be found at Mike B.’s excellent site, here.

Here are a few shots from April 2006.

Here are some photos from yesterday, as you can see they made good progress yesterday, and before long, the building will only be a memory, much like the former Town of Ojibway.


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  • The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Peak oil, doom, gloom, wha-wha-wha...give me a break, I'm so sick of this armageddon crap--I had to go to grade school in the 80s listening to this bullshit when it was nukes we were worried about. This is a friggin' architecture and history site, so, please, with all do respect, shut your noise holes.

  • Says he after putting his two cents in first.

    Don't get me wrong... I agree with ya JT, it's all armageddon crap and I'm glad to call bull on that, but I believe he's entitled to his opinion, as are you and anyone else who wishes to challenge it without just saying "shut up and go away".

  • Oh man, don't get me wrong he's absolutely entitled to his opinion--trust me, I've got opinions to spare myself. The point was no much "shut up and go away" as much as it was "shut up and go away...from HERE".

  • "Reality is telling us to be very worried about living arrangements that can only function with copious imports of oil from people who are disgusted with us. Reality is telling us that we can't divert our food crops into making motor fuels without becoming unable to afford either fuel or food. Reality is telling us to redirect our culture toward things-we-do-with-other people and less toward things-we-do-with other things. Reality is telling us to shift from avoidance behavior and denial to engaging with reality in order to lead lives that are consistent with reality." -James Howard Kunstler
    Have A Very Nice Day Buzz

  • Yeah, I knew what ya meant, JT. It's just that you'll never find an internet forum with comments that all cater to *your* personal vision. I disagree with 99% of what george has to say on any given topic, but censoring him won't change what he believes in.

  • last time i checked this was a topic about lost history not about what James Howard Kunstler has to does anyone know when windsor ceramic tile went under? a post about this topic of lost history

  • Paul, there are references to them on the web in business and shopping directories, including a few others that indicated it was active in the late '80s through ???. The nice people at have been doing a good job keeping track of more recent plant closures, so I'm guessing it's been down for at least a few years now.

  • well i did work at this plant becack in 2004 so it must of closed afterwards?does anyone know how big this plant was suppose to be when they wanted to make it a big steel plant back in the 20s and 30s and why they never went through with the plans after the world wars and depression and what this plant was called before it was windsor ceramic tile?

  • does anyone also have any information on the old toledo scale which was located at the corner of howard and ypres(it is now a medical building) like stories or pics of the building I walked around there a few weeks ago in the parking lot and saw a path leading to the back of the building my guess is thats where the trucks used to go for deliveries the path is blocked off now

  • Can someone please say what street and/or address this was located at instead of 19 posts about caw/chrysler nonsense.

    I can't make out any street names on that map.


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