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October 2007

Boblo Island – 2007 – Part II

A couple of views of Albert Kahn’s Pavilion. Other than the rust on the facade, it appears to still be in great shape.

One of the washroom buildings.

Ruins of the Mini-Golf course.

The view you would get leaving the ferry and entering the park

The ruins of the fountain just outside the ferry tunnel.

The entrance to the ferry docks. Two choices: Amherstburg or Gibraltar.

A few final views of the bumper car house.

Big thanks to AB for sending along these photos.


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  • What, no talk of the California tunnel explosion on the weekend?? 28+ vehicle collision with one truck exploding, involving 3 deaths and many injured and deadly black smoke everywhere and oven fires up to 1000 degrees, The walls of the tunnel shattered to the steel girders and it's unstable and may be shut down for weeks. And, the Windsor Star had the article hidden with a very little info in Monday's Paper on page C8 (even though it was front page news) so most citizens wouldn't even take notice. Yet, King Frances charges ahead with wanting to waste our tax dollars and endanger our lives with the 3.8km Greenlink tunnel. What about when the same the happens here?? With our drivers, that tunnel is a real hazard. The Star posted nothing about the accident and talked on today's front page like it was the best thing in the world. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, right?? Mayor should resign. Read more about it here:

  • David,

    What on earth does the California fire have to do with Boblo? Other local blogs are covering the California crash, this one is not. Please try and keep to the topic at hand.

  • It is so crazy to see pictures of the current state of the island. I had only been there a couple times myself. I really think if a major theme park company took the initiative, they could make alot of money at Boblo. I know it's not very big but they could still rebuild another mid-sized theme park. It would just take a bigger company like Six Flag or Paramount to put the money into it.

  • Josh, with Boblo's enviable geographic location, it's beyond my comprehension how the amusement park managed to go out of business in the first place. With the right investors behind it, you'd think nothing could topple Boblo.

    According to a local article, 1949 was the first time the park ran into financial trouble. And it seems from the late '70s onward, things just went downhill. A quick look at Cedar Point's Wiki entry list of super rides the park introduced in the '60s and '70s give a good indication what Boblo was up against (Corkscrew, Gemini, etc).

    Thanks to Andrew and AB for all the info and pics. I had no idea there was so much neglected historical buildings on the island, and it's a shame these buildings aren't more accessible for exploring and viewing.

  • That's a pretty big project that's planned for the island, according to the website It appears to include some re-use of exsisting buildings. Anyone have any idea how far along the new project actually is?

  • Personally, I blame cable tv and Atari for Boblo's demise. After all, why would kids go to an amusement park for fun when they could stay home all day, play Space Invaders and learn how to make babies?

  • Ahh there's something fascinatingly temporal about seeing shots of ruined buildings/locations. I'd rather see a ruined building sitting alone than it be fixed up and covered with vinyl or stucco. Those mini golf pics hit the spot. I've always been thrilled at viewing photos from ruined locations like the site of Staglag Luft III (the Great Escape) in Poland, or even the Chernobyl "Dead Zone". I love Windsor's share of that sorta stuff, Brighton Beach is an eerie area. Nothing like urban exploration!

    Stalag Luft III:

    Chernobyl "Dead Zone"

    Thanks Andrew

  • I'm glad you all found these pics interesting ... what I gave Andrew was the bulk of the pics that were on the camera... I have a few others, but they didnt really show any actual buildings, or were just different angles of what was posted here (ie a few more shots of the golf course ruins, pieces of the track from the old car ride, the lighthouse) ... what I should have taken some pics of were the million dollar cookie-cutter mansions that occupy the north end of the island ... lots of properties for sale there : )

  • The houses on the north end are all promoted to be designed inn a 'Nantucket' theme ( I guess the 'merkins really like it) and last week theres news of a new yacht club to be built on the island in a 'Muskoka' theme. I dont really agree that we need to be importing other 'themes' to our area already rich in heritage. Why do they do that? Don't we have our own vernacular? If this themed construction continues the island will be a theme park once again before long. A little Nantucket here, a litlle mission style there, a little artdeco over there......

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