OK, I have tweaked the site a little, and the 10 most recent comments will show up on the left hand sidebar now…
Hold your mouse over the commentor’s name, and it will tell you what post it was on.
This is a good way to see any recent actvity on older posts…
From the Border Cities Star - December 6, 1924, almost a century ago to the…
Built in 1929, the house at 2177 Victoria Avenue was originally numbered 1545 Victoria, pre…
Crescent Lanes first opened on Ottawa Street in 1944 at 1055 Ottawa Street, opposite Lanspeary…
Above is a photo of the home of Mr & Mrs Oswald Janisse, located at…
in 1917 two Greek brothers Gus & Harry Lukos purchased a one story building on…
Photo from Google Streetview A long time reader sent me an email the other week…
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andrew could you find information on the Gotfredson Plant. was it located at the corner of walker and wyandotte? and if possible any articles about the night of the fire that torched the place on june 28 1985 thank you
Good idea, Andrew!
My uncle worked at Godfredson's and I always thought it very curious that he had to enter the plant by walking up the tracks from Walker Rd. I was little then and may not be remebering it right,