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January 2006
Categories: DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Photo Du Jour – January 18, 2006 – Peter’s Rock

Located on Dearborn Street, between Harbaugh & Vanderbilt in Delray is Peter’s Rock Missionary Baptist Church. This one is for you Chuck.

Quite the steeple on this oldie.

Here’s a shot taken from down in front of Auntie Rie’s Market, if you’ve ever been down there, you’ll know it’s the one with the weird ass out of proportion Delray mural on the side.

Looks better than cinderblocks.


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  • Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for posting that picture. and with your kind permission, I'd like to add those two pictures to my testimony page on my website.

    Now here's the Story I Promised you. I have no idea what kind of Church that building was originally, But I can tell you what I know about it.

    In the 1960's That building was bought by the "Church Of God, Mountain Assembly" Who had a Church here in Detroit, Rev. Otis Ellis was the Pastor, My Dad attended there pretty regularly, when he came here in 1967. You see, Otis Ellis was my dad's Pastor when he was a Child, growing up in Middlesburo, Ky. and The man used to take my daddy to Church, when he was just a toddler.

    In 1980, That building was bought by Open Door Baptist Church, The Former Rev. Larry Dennis was the Pastor. in 1982, My mother in enrolled me in Open Door Christian School, and on Sept of 1982, I during a class, heard about Jesus, and Salvation, and many other things, and I raised my hand and said, "I want to be Saved." Kathy Guest was my Teacher. and she got class started on another assignment and and took me upstairs to the Main Sanctuary of the Church, and proceeded to take me through the Roman's Road of Salvation, and Lead me through the sinners prayer. That was 24 years ago. and I'm ever greatful to her for that.

    Now about the building... in 1984, Larry Dennis, after dealing with a wife, who was making his life a living hell, Decided, that he just could take it anymore. Ran off with another lady, named Dorothy Feeley, The Church never quite recovered from that scandal, and The Church membership got very small. I don't know the details as to what really happened, I think they might have lost the building and it was sold, but I'm not sure. Open Door Ended up moving over on to Martin Street in Detroit. where they stayed until 1995, When thier Pastor, A Chris Warden, ended up testifying against a gang member, and His family's life was threatened, He ended up leaving. and the Church voted to merge with the then called "Downtown Fundamental Baptist Church", Pastored by a Lawrence Mandez. they ended up taking the name. and still have it to this day, over there on Cicotte St.

    As for me, When All that happened, I ended up Changing Schools and as a result, Changed Churches as well. I fell in with a Pentecostal group, Spent 9 years at Grace Assembly of God on Military St. off Vernor. and ended up backsliding for a about 4 years. came back in 1997. and finally in 2004, I left pentecostalism for good. and now am back in the Baptist faith.

    and that's my story!


  • Hi, I live in Delray and have been here for 48 yrs. My father's parents, my grandparent, were one of the original people who came here from hungary and helped to build this neighborhood. Their church was, and it still is there, Holy Cross hungarian church on south street right around the corner from Peters Rock church. There are many very nice churches still in the area. It's nice to see that someone appreciates them. Thanks for putting it up on the blog. Mudushka

  • Chuck, I've done a little research for you, and here's what I've come up with. It looks like the church was built after 1923, and when it was built it was know as the Hungarian Reformed Church. There was a 4 car garage on the rear of the property. The building is described in the Fire insurance reports as Wood Floors on steel joists, steel trusses, cinder blocks with brick facing. The spire is 78' tall. It was sold to Peter's Rock December 1, 1989 for $35,000.

  • Does anyone know what kind of church was the church with a three barred cross that is on Harbaugh street in Delray, Detroit? The sign says it is now a Jehovah's Witness meeting hall, but it has domes and crosses that make it look Orthodox. The inscription above the door says it's the Magyar Temple. I wonder what it once was.

  • My wife and I attended church there under Pastor Ellis. We were married there. I have fond memories of God's spirit filling the place.

  • Andrew,

    Just came passing through, I'm still grateful that you took that picture for me. Needless to say; my "Christian" website disappeared. It is a very long story. But, I am not involved with the Church world anymore. I just decided to walk away from it all. Sometime, if were ever able to meet, I'll explain it all.

    I did end up finding out what happened to that Church. Open Door Baptist Church, after Larry Dennis resigned, ended up being Pastored by a Pastor Chris Warden until about 1992 or 1993 or so. Somewhere around there, Warden decided to do Church planting with a group called Churches of America. When he left, that Church was running over 200 on Sunday Mornings. Anyhow, the deacons decided to not look for another Pastor, as there was another Baptist Church in the area called Downtown Fundamental Baptist Church, which ironically, came out from under Gilead Baptist Church over on Fort St. and Junction, like Open Door did. Anyhow, they merged with Downtown Fundamental and kept the name of Open Door Baptist, although, to be quite honest, it is not the same kind of Church, as I sadly found out here a few years ago. Went once, never went back. It's all about hardcore Ghetto Baptist now. Which is not my speed at all.

    Anyhow, I'm writing about politics now; and I have a blog. I will use that picture on my page that tells about me being a Christian on there.

    Thanks again Andrew.

    -Chuck Adkins

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