Photo Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - December 5, 2005 - Major. Fred Tilston, V.C.

While serving as the commander of ‘C’ Company of the Essex Scottish Regiment (of Windsor) in WWII, Fred Tilston was badly injured. His courage in the face of adversity earned him the Victoria Cross, the higest military honor in the British Empire. Click here for the radio report from 1945. Major Tilston’s Uniform is still in the possesion of the Regiment. Because of his…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - December 2, 2005 - Mural Unveiling

Yesterday Morning saw the final mural in the “Postcards From Home” mural project unveiled in Downtown Windsor. The mural is on the South Wall of the Windsor Star Building. Star Columnist Karen Hall is seen in the foreground with the blond hair. She served as…
NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Day Without Art/World AIDS day

December 1 A Day Without Art AIDS Awareness Day In Memory of All Artists Who Died of AIDS On December 1, 1989, loss prompted artists in New York to organize the first “A Day Without Art.” Some galleries closed their doors in mourning for the day or shrouded…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - November 30, 2005 - Patricia St. House - Then & Now

Here is the front lawn after a family wedding in the late 1920’s Here is the same view today Here is a full view today And another older view. These older photos are courtesy of John Stefani, who’s Great-Grandparent’s owned the house in the 1920’s. According to the family, the house is a design of architect Albert Lothian. The house is certainly in his style, and…
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NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - November 23, 2005 - Packing Up?

As almost everyone in the region knows, Daimler Chrysler’s Canadian Headquarters are located in downtown Windsor, directly across the river from the RenCen and G.M. Front door of DCX’s Canadian HQ. Located in Windsor since the early 1920’s. I awoke this morning to grab my newspaper only to be greeting by the following story: There was a huge battle between preservationists at…
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