Photo Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - October 26, 2005 - Works Of Albert J. Lothian

During the 1920’s & 1930’s one of Windsor’s pre-eminent local Architects was Albert James Lothian. Lothian was born in Scotland in 1895, and moved to Canada early on. He came to Windsor after returning from WWI. Albert Lothian c. 1920 – Photo courtesy of his daughter Jean Kalich He was one of Windsor’s more unique residential architects as seen in the…
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DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Photo Du Jour - October 21, 2005 - Back Alley Bar

As reported in this thread on the Detroit Yes! forum, the Back Alley Speakeasy on Griswold behind the Downtown Synagogue, is undergoing renovation with intent to reopen. It will add a destination in an otherwise quiet area north of Capitol Park. No official word on what the…
Photo Du JourWindsor

O'Shea Pool House - Photo Du Jour - October 19, 2005

Located on Riverside Dr. in Windsor, next to the RCMP station is this small soon to be demolished home. As the story goes, this was the pool house to the summer “cottage” next door. The O’Shea’s came from money, being the second generation heir’s to the family fortune, that was made in the early days of the automobile. The story isn’t too clear, but the…
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DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Silos Coming Down - Photo Du Jour - October 17, 2005

One set of the concrete silos along the Detroit Riverfront are coming down, as Detroit’s vision for a waterfront park moves one step closer. Eventually the plan is to have a waterfront park that stretches from Downtown to the Belle Isle Bridge. The area around the…
Photo Du JourWindsor

WINDSOR THEN & NOW - Photo Du Jour - 09/16/2005

This week’s Photo Du Jour’s will feature a series of “Then and Now” shots from old post cards to how that scene looks today. This scene is the intersection of Ouellette Ave. & Park St. near the Tunnel Exit. Built in the early 1960’s the…
DetroitPhoto Du Jour

THANK YOU BOYS... - Photo Du Jour - 10/03/2005

Back and well rested from my honeymoon… Sadly I missed the stretch run for the playoffs, happily the Tigers were not involved… Kudos to the boys for giving us another fun summer, another excuse to sit in the sun on a lazy Sunday afternoon and drink beer. With a…