DetroitOld PhotographsPhoto Du Jour

Photo Du Jour - November 15, 2005 - Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts Building

The next building to go is the old Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts,on Watson in Brush Park. The Condo renovation next door needs somewhere to park I suppose…. She lasted about 90 years. Not too shabby. Built in 1916, this one was designed by Smith, Hinchman & Grylls with William B. Stranton as an associate. Here is a photo from the January 31, 1917 issue of the American…
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DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Photo Du Jour - November 9, 2005 - RIP House of Nine

Over the past weekend, along with the destruction of historic Rivertown, another Detroit icon, come down. Located on Grand River, just west of Woodward was the bizzarre icon, the House of Nine Sign. The sign in Happier Times. Looking along Grand River RIP to a downtown…
DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Photo Du Jour - November 7, 2005 - Rivertown RIP

I was sent an e-mail yesterday from my good friend over at dETROITfUNK he informed me that the mass extermination of Rivertown is on. Once a cool, vibrant area, it was decimated under the poor decision to make the area the Casino mecca. Well all the businesses were forced out, and when the Casino plan fizzeled out, all that was left were broken ruins. dFUNK kindly informed me that the Soup…
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DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Photo Du Jour - November 1, 2005 - Detroit Hotels Pt. II

Picking up from yesterday….. Here is part two… The Hotel Wardell, now the Park Shelton. The Whittier, still stading but vacant. Awaiting rehab. The Fairbairn? Location Unknown. The Stevenson, Davenport St. near Woodward. The Seward The Hotel Briggs. It looks like the Oriental Theatre was in the same complex. Any ideas? The Fort Shelby, still standing but vacant. The Savoy…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - October 28, 2005 - Canadian Club

For many years, the Canadian Club sign illuminated the Windsor Shoreline, relentlesly advertising the Distillery’s wares. Now it’s been gone less than a decade, but is probably forgotten by many. The sign however had quite a history. This photo above is from c.