DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Photo Du Jour - December 28, 2005 - Our Lady Of The Rosary

Located on the Corner of Woodward & the I-94 Service Driver (formerly Bagg St.), the Church was originally St. Joeseph’s, and was built in 1896, it was designed by architects Malcomson & Higginbotham. A beautiful Romanesque Styled Structure. A detail of the statue on top. The photo abouve dates to 1899, when the chruch was St. Joseph’s. The Parish was founded in 1889 and…
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DetroitPhoto Du Jour

Photo Du Jour - December 23, 2005 - United Artists

As reported here, on December 16th, we take a trip back over to the U.A. to show the aftermath of what’s been going on. The bottom floor painting, are being all scrubbed away. As pointed out by someone, (perhaps the artist?) , they missed one on the ground…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Photo Du Jour - December 14, 2005 - Campaigning Continues

Not to be outdone by Paul Martin’s Liberals or Jack Layton’s NDP, Steven Harper of the Conservative Party flew into Windsor Tuesday Afteroon. Shortly after 2:00 pm the Conservative Airbus starts making its way. English on one side…. … French on the other. After the plane is parked, the convoy of RCMP & Tour Buses Begins. Leader Steven Harper climbs down from the…
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