Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor


While browsing on the Virtual Motor City website, an archive of old Detroit News photographs at Wayne State Univeristy, I came across a pair of old photos of ceremonies at the Cenotaph. Both photos were taken at the old Centoaph location at Gilles & Ouellette, next time your at that intersection think about what it must have been like with that Centoaph in the median… 🙂 I think City…
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Photo Du Jour


In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Essex Terminal No. 6

Today comes a great old photo from the John Stefani Collection. It was noted on the back of the photo: “Essex Terminal 6 0-6-0” “Walkerville, Ont. April 24, 1932” Maybe our resident Railfans can add a little something about the engine for…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

College Of The Assumption

The Photo above is from the book “Picturesque Detroit & Environs” published in 1893. It shows what is today Assumption University. This appears to be after phase three of the construction. A postcard from the early 1900’s. As you can see the building has received another addition to the north. This appears to be phase four. Here are a set of blueprints dated March 1875…
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Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Standard Foundry

On Walker Rd., just south of the no longer existent Cataraqui Place, stood the Kerr Engine Works plant. The plant had two divisions, Kerr Engine Works and Standard Foundry & Supply Co. A view of the 1937 Fire Plan An artists view of the plant c. 1910. As time went on…
Photo Du JourUnbuiltWindsor

Unbuilt Windsor - # 5

From June 1927: ARCITECTS DRAWING FOR $1,500,000 CLUB BUILDING This 12 story building was designed by Pennington & Boyde, it was supposed to be built at Pitt & Dougall. It was going to be home to the North American Athletic Club. The plan was for floors 5-11 to be…
Photo Du JourUnbuiltWindsor

Unbuilt Windsor - # 4

From December 1928: PROPOSED ROYAL WINDSOR HOTEL This building was to be the tallest hotel in the British Empire. Designed by O’Dell, Trace & Diehl, it was to be part of the Royal Windsor Complex. The Apartment Building (still standing) and Garage (demolished) were the first two phases. This was to be the third and final part. It was to be located at the vacant Southeast corner of…
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Photo Du JourUnbuiltWindsor

Unbuilt Windsor - # 3

From December 1926: NEW HOTEL ALSO ON 1927 PROGRAM Part of the hotel devolopment being planned for the Border Cities. This is the architects’ drawing of the new hotel which a syndicate headed by Ace K. Davis, proposes to erect at the corner of London St. (University…
Photo Du JourUnbuiltWindsor

Unbuilt Windsor - # 2

From February 1929: PROPOSED SKYSCRAPER FOR DOWNTOWN WINDSOR Planned for the Northeast corner of Wyandotte and Ouellette, it’s a shame this one didn’t get built. Plans were put forth by Fred W. Martin, promoter of the Windsor-Detroit vehicular tunnel. Two or…