Photo Du JourWindsor

Casino Expansion Update

Work continues at the Casino Expansion site. The tower is growing at the rate of about a floor a week now… The trademark white panels and blue glass are starting to go in on the lower levels Along McDougall, the skybridge that will link the two complexes together has bridged the roadway A look up at the McDougall facade Some the blue glass windows awaiting installation A message left on…
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Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Old Streetcar Photos

A few more photos that came to me from John Stefani, again from the Bernie Drouillard collection: Car # 214 – At the car barns on University Avenue – now The Junction Car # 366 – On University Avenue at the intersection with Pelissier St. Car # 418…
DetroitOld PhotographsPhoto Du Jour

Belle Isle Bridge Approach

Here are a pair of photos of the long gone Belle Isle Bridge Approach in Detroit. The original bridge was built in 1889, and destroyed in a fire in 1915. In 1923, the current bridge was built to link the mainland to the island. When it opened there was a nifty underground…
Photo Du JourWindsor

New Bus Terminal - Part III

A panoramic shot of the new Bus Terminal. They sure have come a long way over the last 5 months. Click here for my visit in October. Click here for my visit in December. The bus bays behind the new terminal. The new main terminal. Some real dumb Urban planning took…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Needs More Parking...

I noticed in the Council Agenda for the meeting upcoming on the 19th, that the “Proposed Acquisition” of 1024 Elsmere and 1030 Elsmere is planned to make way for another Erie Street parking lot. 1024 Elsmere 1030 Elsmere The worse thing I can see about the…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Capitol Theatre Rally

Yesterday evening, I slipped over to the Capitol Theatre to check out the “Save the Capitol” rally. What a great job by the local arts community to rally the troops and mobilize within 24 hours to stage a rally to show support for the Capitol Theatre which is on…