From December 1926:
Part of the hotel devolopment being planned for the Border Cities. This is the architects’ drawing of the new hotel which a syndicate headed by Ace K. Davis, proposes to erect at the corner of London St. (University Ave.) and Victoria Ave. The plan is that the hotel shall cater mainly to the commercial trade.
I think the name of the head of the syndicate may help explain why this one never got off the drawing board (Ace Davis?!?)
I wonder if there were ever any drawings made of the Eaton’s that was supposed to be built on Ouellette before a recession in the earyl 1980’s killed off Eaton’s plans for Windsor?
Interesting building though! Look at all that people space at street level! Just like what real cities have. When was the last time a real honest to goodness ‘people space’ was built in Windsor? Really! Oh, to live in a real city one day.
Hey george, I had no idea Eaton’s every seriously looked at Windsor–and I’m a bit of a geek when it comes to Eaton’s history, that’s really interesting info. Where on Ouellette was it to be built? Was this part of the Ontario Downtown Urban Renewal Programme that resulted in the Sarnia Eaton Center, Brantford Eaton Market Square, Eaton Center Guelph and Peterborough Square? If Eaton’s had been more dilligent over the years and put more stores at places like Devonshire and fewer in places like Brantford, it would’ve never have been so badly steamrolled by progress, time and HBC.