Photo Du JourWindsor

Bridge Tavern

The westside landmark Bridge Tavern was recently closed down, after liquor inspectors discovered they were operating without a license. It’s always sad to see a long time business close its doors. I’m not sure how long the Bridge Tavern has been around, but it shows up as the “Bridge Ave. Hotel” on the 1937 maps. My guess the building is somewhere in the neighbourhood of…
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Bernie Drouillard CollectionOld PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor


Here are few more old transit photos from the Bernie Drouillard Collection, digitzed and passed along by John Stefani. A big thank you is owed to both of them for helping to digitize and share such a massive collection. Today’s shots are both dated 1975 and were taken around downtown. First up is a shots of Bus # 747 at the downtown Bus Terminal. Running on the Ottawa line. This shot of #…
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Old AdsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Viscount Hotel

Regular reader Darren was kind enough to send along this crop of an image that he took in the early 1980’s. In it you can see the former Viscount Hotel (marked with a red dot). He apologized for the lousy quality, but any photo is better than none at all. So a big…
NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Walkerville's Shame No More?

Last night City Council (for the most part) took a great stand for the built heritage of our city, in voting to accept the “forced” designation of the Harry Low/Paul Martin Sr. house on Ontario Street in Walkerville. Despite all the bullshit arguments put forward…
Essex CountyOld PhotographsPhoto Du Jour

The Republic

Here is a photo of the car “Republic” of the Windsor, Essex & Lake Shore Rapid Railway, passing though Essex. From the John Stefani collection. According to this website: Location: The railway is located in southern Ontario, extending between the communities…