Lost WindsorNewsWindsor

Windsor: Then & Now

I am happy to announce the release of my new book Windsor: Then & Now. Local publisher Biblioasis approached me back in the winter of 2020 with the idea to work with them to prepare a new addition to their collection of local history books. We talked back and forth about different ideas over the years and were finally able to work together to produce this new title.

Talking a look at different sites around the city, the book pairs historical images, and information, with contemporary views taken by Windsor photographer Ian Virtue. The result is a great collection of images showcasing our city’s wonderful heritage and sharing the story of how the Windsor we all know today was shaped.

The book is out now, and available online at: http://biblioasis.com/shop/forthcoming/windsor-then-now/ for those outside of the Windsor area you can use the link above. If you are in the local area it is available in store at the Biblioasis Book Shop at 1520 Wyandotte St E in Windsor. In the coming weeks it should also be available online via the larger chain bookstores and Amazon.

A book release party/event is being planned for later in November in Windsor. Details will follow for that event once everything is confirmed. In the meanwhile, this is why posting has been so sporadic here over 2021, I hope you all enjoy the book and I thank you all for your support over the years.

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