Buildings of WindsorLost WindsorWindsor

The First Elmwood Casino

The first version of the Elmwood Casino was located in the same spot. Opened in the early 1920s as the Elmcourt Tennis & Country club. Later on during the depression years, in 1934, the Elmwood Hotel opened in the old clubhouse of the Country Club. By the early 1940s, the supper club format was underway. In December, 1943 the original Elmwood burned to the ground. When the fire broke…
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Buildings of WindsorLost WindsorWindsor

Bronson's Tavern

I was going through some old photos the other days and came across one I had taken of Bronson’s Tavern TThe photo is from 2001 and the tavern closed shortly after. It was purchased by the City, as an expansion of the Lou Romano plant across Ojibway Parkway meant…
Essex County

Amherstburg Echo Office

Located at 238 Dalhousie street in Amherstburg, near Navy Yard Park, the former offices of the local newspaper the Amherstburg Echo, were designed in 1915 by Windsor architect J. C. Pennington. The Echo office was closed by Sun Media in 2009, and they moved the production…

Proposed Essex County Courthouse Addition - 1931

At the end of November, 1930, the Essex County Council announced a competition to design an addition to the court house at Sandwich (now MacKenzie Hall). The requirements were as follows: one high court room, two smaller court rooms, three judges’ chambers, a law library, offices for the court clerks & the sheriff, three barister’s rooms, four jury rooms, rooms for clerks and…
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Buildings of WindsorSchoolsWindsor

St Angela School - 816 Ellis St E

The separate school board has never seen to be particularly fond or respectful of its inventory of historic buildings. In all fairness the public board, for many years wasn’t either, but there has been a steady and appreciated shift of attitudes at the public board…