Photo Du JourWindsor

A disturbing trend...

Lately I’ve noticed a disturbing trend in the inner-city. More and more fire damaged houses are staying vacant and boarded up. I was giving a tour of Windsor yesterday to a reader from Wales, who is in Canada on vacation, and hunting down some family history. Throughout our drive, I saw more houses that were burned out and boarded up than in years past. Usually in the past, these houses…
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Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Frank W. Begley School

A quick break from the streetcar photos today… A recent postcard acquisition is this 1916 shot of Begley School. Built in 1913 as the Assumption Street School, the school stood watch over the neighbourhood until it was demolished in 2004. In 1924, the school was…
Bernie Drouillard CollectionOld PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

More Streetcars again

Car # 95 – Again, a very specific car. Snow clearance? Car # 198 – Freight car Another one marked # 198. Same car as above? Or did they some how use the same number twice? Car # 301 on London St. – Photo from April 25, 1938 – The S.W. & A. must have made a mint off of Winchester Cigarettes. Seems like they had an ad on ever car at one point… Car # 301…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Open House

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, a large number of people turned out for a chance to tour the Low-Martin house at 2021 Ontario St. With the gracious offer posted here last week, as well putting out the offer to the surrounding neighbours, a good number of people turned out for what might be your only chance to visit this very historic Windsor home. I hope a large number of readers dropped by…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Vintage Buses - III

Today is the last post in the painted buses series. Thanks again to John and Bernie. 🙂 I know some of you liked them, and others of you didn’t. I have however (in my opinion) saved the best for last. The coolest of all the hand painted buses was hands down the CBC…
Bernie Drouillard CollectionPhoto Du JourWindsor

Vintage Buses - II

Another collection of photgraphs from Bernie’s collection, showing more of the old hand painted advertising on the Transit Windsor fleet. Photo &#169 Bernie Drouillard – All rights reserved Photo &#169 Bernie Drouillard – All rights reserved…