DetroitPhoto Du Jour

A Tour Of Historic Sites – 1922

So where did all these historic markers go?

This Fort Shelby tablet was on the Fort St. Entrance of the old Post Office

On the south west corner of Fort and Griswold, on the Fort St. side of the Moffat Building was the Fox Indian War marker.

The south west corner of Griswold & Jefferson on the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company’s building was the Pontiac Conspiracy Tablet.

A block and a half west on the north side of Jefferson on # 220 was the table comemorating the fire of 1805.

The south west corner of Jefferson and Randolph was the Old Council House tablet.

Going 16 blocks east along Jefferson, on the wall surrounding the Michigan Stove Company you would have found a table about the battle of Bloody Run.

Back downtown, to the corner of Larned & Bates. On the east wall of the building on the north west corner, occupied by Farrand, Williams & Clark was the tablet commemorating the Original Building of the Univeristy of Michigan.

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