OtherPhoto Du JourWindsor

Dieppe Canadian War Cemetery

A few shots today that were taken last week at the Dieppe Canadian War Cemetery. This is the final resting place of a large number of Windsorites who never came home. If you’ve never been to a War cemetery in Europe, it’s hard to describe, and the pictures don’t do it justice. It’s very moving to walk through and see row after row, and especially in this case, almost all…
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Sterling Products Factory Expansion - 1931

Increasing business has forced Sterling Products, Windsor, to again enlarge its factory, thus repeating last year’s performance, when a large addition was made to the same plant. Workmen are shown above busy with the extension. The factory building which once made…
DemolitionLost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

New Federal Building for 1932

Nearly 52 years ago Windsor celebrated the opening of its new Post Office. During the coming year the now-ancient building will be torn down. Also razed will be the equally decrepit and abandoned Weights and Measures building. Occupying both sites as well as the little park at the rear of the present Post Office, will rise the new Federal Building, six stories high, and costing $1,000,000.
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Old AdsOld PhotographsWindsor

Windsor's First Greyhound Station

A view of the first Greyhound Station in Windsor, this one was on Ouellette Avenue at the corner of Park Street. The station was located in the Park Building, the space the station occupied is today home to the Downtown Canada Post outlet.The station moved from here to the…
Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Dougall Super-Highway - 1931

The new super-highway provided by widening Dougall Road this year, supplementing widening of the three subways last year. According to the article to go with the picture, the cost of widening and resurfacing Dougall Ave was $75,000 (about $1.1 million in 2014). The highway…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Kennedy Collegiate - 1931

The Hon. W. C. Kennedy Collegiate Institute symbolizes the spirit of the Border Cities. The collegiate is shown here as it is seen from McDougall street and Tecumseh Boulevard, in its setting of deep lawns. The the background is a glimpse of Jackson Park and the old Jockey…
Lost WindsorPostcardsWindsor

Mario's Tecumseh & Ouellette - c 1950

A look at the corner of Tecumseh and Ouellette. I can only assume that this building still exists behind the Medical Imaging Centre. Interesting to see part of the old Driving Park Hotel to the rear. I think this may have lived on as the Colonial House in later years, View…