Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor


A couple of photos today from Wayne State’s excellent Virtual Motor City Project. This photo was dated Jan 12, 1965. Taken at Dieppe Park, the identity of the man, if ever know is long lost. It is however a great shot of the Riverside Dr. frontage of the Norwich Block. This one was dated June 24, 1983. The Norwich Block looks over downtown, and the freedom festival. What a huge loss for…
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Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Ferry Dock - c. 1927

Today’s photo comes courtesy of regular reader Mark, it was taken by his grandfather William Rudkin around 1927 from the ferry to Detroit. The quality and sharpness on those old photographs is simply outstanding. The detail can really take you back in…
Photo Du JourPostcardsWindsor

Old Ford Postcard

Here’s an older postcard view of the Ford Factory I recently added to my collection, it has a very strange green tint to it for some reason…. The postcard dates to the late 30’s early 40’s, and I have no idea what that huge expanse of land is in the…
DetroitPhoto Du JourWindsor

2007 - The Year In Review

Every year, with the last post of the year, I look back, and recap some of the demolition that has occured in the last year. The victim of arson in late 2006, this was one of the first victims of 2007, and another vacant lot in the core. this house was on Janette. Lasalle…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Third Concession

In the days before E.C. Row ran though the middle of the city, the Third Concession was the east-west road located along the present route. Parts of the old Third Concession still survive today as the North Service Road. I have always wondered what the story was with the…
Old PhotographsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Then, Then and Now

The former Tepperman’s Building on Ottawa St. has had a long and interesting history. First built in 1939, the building was originally only one story tall. It was designed by J.P. Thomson, who was at the time working for Sheppard & Masson. (Photo from the collection of Windsor’s Community Museum – P09974) The post war boom saw the second and third floors added in 1946…
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Photo Du JourWindsor

Crescent Manor

Well stop the presses! After years of looking at what I thought was Ottawa’s Street’s version of the Docherty Hole, work has finally commenced on the Condos apartments that are replacing Crescent Lanes Bowling Alley. While I’m sure the shitty Windsor…
Photo Du JourWindsor

Superior Piston Ring

When looking over the old maps, occasionally there are names on some of the shops, and they just jump out at you. This map here shows Superior Piston Ring on Lincoln Rd just north of Wyandotte. From the old days of zoning, when small industrial buildings ended up in…