NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Two Shows Worth Checking Out

Windsor artist Natalie Mayville, (who I’ve mentionned before) has a show that’s recently opened at the Art Gallery. Worth Checking out. While you’re down there, check out Carl Zimmerman’s show. It’s all fantasy architecture. Photogrpahs he’s taken of architectural models he’s built. Both the models and photographs are on display. Very cool. Check it out…
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NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Armouries Open House

An FYI for tonight for anyone who’s interested in checking out the inside of the Armouries. The Windsor Symphony is holding an open house to pitch their reuse idea. The now vacant Armouries are a designated building. Built in 1900 it was designed by David Ewart…
NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Imeson Antiques

One of the most historic and intact commercial storefronts in the city is located at 1506 Wyandotte St. E. The Edwardian commercial building built in 1915, was originally a Trott’s Shoes, and for many years was the home of Posteroptics. The owners of Posteroptics…
NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Walkerville Publishing

So, on to the reason for the Walkerville Theatre being open on Sunday… Walkerville Publishing held an open house, with a great display of Walkerville’s history, and the launch of the 2007 Holiday issue of the Walkerville Times. Chris Edwards the publisher poses beside his local history display. Chris put on this display earlier this year in Willistead Manor during Art in the…
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2008 Detroit Historical Photo Calendar

If you are looking for that unique gift for that local history fan on your list (or just a great gift for yourself), don’t look any farther than Rob’s 2008 Detroit Historical Calendar. This is one of those projects that has been started by a local history fan…
NewsPhoto Du JourWindsor

Walkerville's Shame No More?

Last night City Council (for the most part) took a great stand for the built heritage of our city, in voting to accept the “forced” designation of the Harry Low/Paul Martin Sr. house on Ontario Street in Walkerville. Despite all the bullshit arguments put forward…

Windsor Taught Me Everything I know

If you’re looking for something interesting to do on a Tuesday night, head on over to the Downtown Library, and check out the Tuesday Talks, featuring Windsor native (and frequent commentor) Shawn Micallef , and his talk entitled: “Windsor Taught Me Everything I know”. Join writer Shawn Micallef in discussing how growing up in an automotive border…
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Great Lakes BoatsNewsPhoto Du Jour

Better Late Than Never...

For some reason I failed to mention this earlier, but a very belated congratulations is in order to my friend Wade Streeter, who’s photo of the elegant Edward L Ryerson graces the cover of the 2007 edition of “Know Your Ships“. Know your ships is the…