
Windsor Hotel – 1914

AddressNE Corner of Wyandotte & Ouellette
ArchitectJames William Wilson

The news announcing this project, along with the rendering above, appeared in the Evening Record on February 5, 1914. The description was as follows:

The promoters of the Windsor Hotel company have announced particulars of the new Windsor Hotel, which show that Windsor is at last to have one of the finest modern fireproof hotels in Canada. The proposed plans show an eight story hotel to be erected on Ouellette avenue, containing about one hundred and eighty rooms, each of which will be equipped with bath, shower and every modern convenience. The estimated cost of the new hotel will be $350,000. The plans are being prepared by Mr. J. Will Wilson, architect, with offices in Chatham and Detroit.

It would appear that the majority of the funds raised for this project were raised in Toronto. This project was likely killed by the onset of WWI.

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