Lost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesRenderingsWindsor

J. Clark Keith Hydro Plant

Located in Brighton Beach, the J. Clark Keith coal powered hydro plant was opened in 1953, and was demolished in 1997.

Below is a rendering that appeared in the Windsor Daily Star, February 19, 1949:

    These first architects’ drawings of the $21,000,000 Windsor steam hydro generating plan which will go into construction in the Brighton Beach area this spring were released today by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario. The sketches shown above give two views of the plant as it will appear when constructed. Rough specification are that the building will be 175 by 250 feet and 150 high. When completed the plant will generate 320,000 horsepower. It will be equipped with two huge steam generating units and turbo generators to convert water energy into hydro electric power which will serve the Western Ontario area with 60 cycle power. Construction on the 45-acre site is expected to commence this spring. The upper photo shows a general view of the building from the Sandwich Street side. Preliminary work is already under way at the site.

Winter solstice today. As long as the world doesn’t end today, the days start getting longer again from here on out….

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