Old PhotographsWindsor

General Byng School

Happy Friday once again! Another week in the book. Today’s photo is dated May 24, 1927.

The caption on the back reads:

    Gen. Byng Continuation School, Sandwich

A nice view of what is today Forster Secondary on Felix on Windsor’s west side. Back when the school was still newish, and long before the additions came along.


Also… Don’t forget:

The 2012 International Metropolis Calendar makes its glorious return once again, with the big pre-sale period discount.

This year’s calendar is priced at [$19.99 + $6.50 s&h/hst] for the duration of the presale period, the calendar is avaialable for just $19.50, and shipping & handling is a flat rate of $2.00 per order.

The Button below will allow you to purchase up to five copies of the calendar. For the duration of the presale, multiple purchases receive a small discount. Plus, pay only a flat $2.00 shipping & handling per order. Once the presale ends, s&h will return to $6.50 per calendar.

Buy now and save, your early orders get to take advantage of the bulk rate for the initial shipment.

Hurry! The presale ends Thursday, December 1, 2011.

As always if you don’t used credit cards/paypal, you can send me an email to discuss alternate payment options.

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