
Pares Village Secondary School – Pares, Antigua

A while back architect Doug Johnson told me about a project he designed in 1965, and how there is a building he designed, but has never seen.

As part of a foreign aid program, a secondary school was designed here in Windsor, by local architects, and was built in Pares Village, Antigua, in the British West Indies in the Caribbean.

The plan called for a “U” plan

Some of the elevation views. According a building report I found on the internet, the school wasn’t built until 1971.

The photo above shows a view of the school today, and was found on the OAS Post Hurricane report page for Antigua and the West Indies. The Johnson-McWhinnie designed section, is to the rear of this building. The fieldstone can be seen poking above the roof on the left and right end of the building in the foreground. Sports day 2 & 3 albums show some decent views of the school, on the Pares Secondary School Facebook page.

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Above is a satellite view of the school. The “U” shape plan can be seen above.

There was also a set of plans drawn up under the same program for a primary school in Grand Bay, Dominica.

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