
Dillon Hall

From the Border Cities Star – February 10, 1927:

    The above reproduction from an architect’s drawing shows the new classroom building which will be built at a cost of $300,000 by Assumption College this year. Construction work on the structure will start on or about March 1, and it is expected that it will be ready to receive students at the September re-opening of the college.

    This building will provider accommodations for 800 students, 300 more than the number now in attendance at Assumption. It will face Patricia road, at the eastern side of the college campus, but the rear elevation will be similar to the front in design. The outside walls will be of brick and stone construction, with an ornate limestone tower rising 100 feet above the ground floor level.

    The building will be 65 feet wide and 224 feet long, and will contain 24 classrooms, seven science rooms, three large study halls, a students’ reference library, a cafeteria, and offices for the college officials.

The school building eventually became Dillon Hall, and was designed by Albert J. Lothian.

Have a safe long weekend everyone, due to the holiday on Monday there will not be a post Monday, regular posting resumes on Wednesday.

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