Over the weekend, I received a few emails that the old grade school at Ontario just west of Pillette was biting the dust. See here for photos of the demolition on Windsorite.ca.

Another part of Windsor’s history again bites the dust.

Designed by Albert McPhail, the school was built in 1922 and was opened as the Ontario Street School.

It was eventually renamed in honour of long time principal Ada Richards.


From the Border Cities Star – December 21, 1923:

    The new $150,000 Ontario Street Public School, Ford City, which was officially opened last night by Mayor Reaume and Dr. Maxwell, public schools inspector, assisted by other prominent residents of the motor town. More than 700 people attended the formal opening, in addition to 360 children, who, following the ceremony, presented a very pleasing cantata in the fine school auditorium. Construction on the new school was started in September, 1922, pupils being admitted to classes September last. The school is described by Dr. Maxwell as one of the most modern and up-to-date in the Border Citis (sic). It is equipped with a fine gymnasium, equal in size to that of many larger educational institutions. Although in use only four months, the growth of the motor town has been such as to make the new building already overcrowded.

Another one bites the dust.

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