Happy Friday everyone! Another week gone, and we’re more than halfway through February too!
Up today is one of my favourite photos that I’ve come across. Dated June 1, 1934, the caption on the back reads:
- “Bank at Walkerville Ontario across river from Detroit”
I love the street life captured in this photo. A real moment in time captured.
Here is the bank building today. Still standing on the n.w. corner of Wyandotte and Lincoln. The bank was built as an Imperial Bank in 1927, and was designed by Toronto Architects Langley & Howland. Unlike many older buildings along Wyandotte, this one has made out pretty well over the years.
Is that a young woman wearing pants in the doorway? *gasp*
Really contrasts again the elderly man whose suit is probably 15 years out of date.
This building still looks like new. It still has its brickwork and has not been infected by stucco!!
Excellent photo.
Wonderful photograph, indeed. The first thing I noticed was the people in the doorway. Could not tell from the first photo if the person on the left was a woman and wanted to see a detail crop. The woman crossing the street with two girls…, the worker going by, pipe in mouth and head down. I wonder what his profession was?
Great shot Andrew- it’s not often that I see a new Walkerville photo- esp. with people in it!
As you said- a new favourite!
The old Loblaws Groceteria part of the building has been clumsily stuccified.
i love the “dentist” and “tailor” signs above the side entrances. the guy with the bucket and smoking the pipe. awesome. what an absolutely wonderful photograph.
Is that a large plaque on the side of the building below the DENTIST sign? If so, what would it signify?
It almost looks like the people are posing… especially the woman wearing pants. It’s a brilliant photo- who’s collection is it from?
oh how I remember climbing those stairs to go to Dr Cunningham, I was so terrified of him, whenever I go past this corner those memories come back like yesterday, no matter how old I become
wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hasidic jew in windsor ever.
Now now jay… that was the style for men a few years back before the picture was taken. Even today, many elderly men can still be seen with their pants hitched up almost to their armpits as was common in the mid 1900’s and brylcream in the hair.
As for the manny with the bucket, my guess would be he was a window washer. I see a long handle of perhaps a squeegee.
My item of interest is what is that that appears betwwen his stride? A fire hydrant? It almost looks like the base of the current lamp standards, but it has no post and is in the wrong area from the current one.
I wonder if the fellow carrying the bucket has a coat in his other hand?
women in pants, men in15 year-old suits; remember folks, this was in the middle of the depression. 1934 was a very tough time.
This photo is spectacular! Its too bad building owners don’t use more awnings like in the above. Not only does it give an intimate feeling at street level but it also helps keep the heat down in the buildings. Today, we just crank up the air conditioning and then moan about the cost.
I would agree that the man with bucket is carrying something in his other arm; he is practically walking over it, so I doubt it is a hydrant, or any other fixture. Besides, if there was a hydrant there in 1934, it would still be there today.
fantastic photo!
For the with the bucket, I would think he’s either a painter, or a janitor. The item between his legs kid of looks like a narrow bucket with castor wheels. You know the type of bucket that you wring out the mop in the wringer attached to it? And he’s pushing it along with the mop. But, it seems alittle close to him for that. Plus, it also looks like there might be some sort of basket or old open topped wooden tool box in that hand.
Great photo Andrew, thanks!
Great photo. I understand Jay’s initial confusion but definitely not a Hasidic Jew. Fancy a Loblaw Store on Wyandotte!
I recall two other Loblaws stores on Wyandotte and two on Ouellette, two on Tecumseh and one on Dougall.Used to be a big deal in town.
FYI No stucco on this building, just rented out to “unplugged” where lablaw was, corner unit is going to be a great bakery called “boarder city cakes”
Looks like stucco on the Loblaws part where the awning used to be.
There where three LOblaw stores on Ouellette,two small and large one used to be bingo hall, and one on Ottawa Street near the Dominion Store. A&P at 1580 Ottawa Street lasted the longest into the late 80s.
Richard, there was also a Loblaw’s on Tecumseh road east where Franco’s Restaurant is now.
Anyone have a location of a Dominion Grocery store or a Woolworth’s on Ouellette Ave?
Loblaws also on Wyadotte west south side became U of W music building, also on Dougal rd. now a Dollerama opened as Powers Loblaws other name on of many. Before they closed all Windsor stores layedoff (fired) all employes late sities or early seventies.
Last Dominion store on Ouellette corner of Wyandotte and Oullette Av. Woolworh’s was further south next to the theater.Woolworth’s was also on Ottawa st., now LIqudation World.
Bill, in the 1970s there was a Dominion store in Dorwin Plaza where the now-closed Value Village is currently located. Dominion moved to a new section at the south end of the plaza, which I think is a bingo hall now, unless that closed too. I can’t recall when Dominion disappeared altogether from Dorwin Plaza but I’m guessing early ’80s?
Richard, the tiled entrance-way to the L.W. store on Ottawa street still has the in-laid “W” from its Woolworth days. Inside the store still has a bit of old world feeling. I think Andrew featured it here on I.M. a couple years ago.
Could someone please tell me when the Loblaws at Ouelette & Tuscarora closed?
Dominion put up a new store where Sentry Department store was very large, many inovations for a grocery store in Windsor. A&P bought Dominion ran that store breifly then changed the name to Farmer Jack. That was not a success, then convert the north end to Basics, Windsors first. These was in the late eighties early ninties.
You might find this interesting, Richard. I found this in an older newspaper.
I love that bearded fellow. He’s quite striking for an old timer! (and his beard is bitchin’)
lol his beard IS pretty bitchin’!
I grew up at 753 Windermere Road and remember my mother shopping at that Loblaws in the late 50’s and 60’s. We got our Funk & Wagnals encyclopedia set there – one volume at a time with the groceries.
If you notice it was the Imperial Bank of Canada. I had a girl friend that worked there in 1966 -1967. There was also the Canadian Bank of Commerce. They both merged and became one now known as The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. CIBC. Across the corner on the South East Side was The Toronto Dominion Bank. My mother worked there 1958. They had Bass bars the seperated the customers from the tellers.