DetroitOld Photographs

2010 Detroit Historical Photograph Calendar

Greetings local history fans, once again this year our friend and northern neighbour Robert K. has put together the 4th annual Detroit Historical Calendar. This is a great item for any fan of local area history.

I have personally bought and enjoyed this calendar over the years, and the amount of work that has gone into Rob’s personal project is simply amazing.

Above are the photos in this year’s calendar, including a great streetcar photo.

The calendar notes important historical information on many of the days.

The Calendar runs $9.99 USD and is a great bargain compared to the big mass-produced calendars out there, especially with the dollar near par.

Rob is happy to ship to Canada, and it’s important to help support the small independent local guys with their projects. They’ll make a great gift for anyone who’s into history, architecture or local interest items. Get them now, as Christmas is right around the corner, they’ll make a great gift!

Rob has passed along two options for purchasing the calendar:

1. On his eBay page, by clicking here.


2. Through his website, by clicking here.

If you want to contact Rob directly with any questions or orders, you can hit him up by email here:

If your looking to buy local this Christmas, this calendar would be a great place to start!

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