
We Are Not Alone…

A little bit of a change today, as I send you over to a site I recently stumbled across. It’s always nice to know that we’re not alone, and not the only community who’s suffering though needless demolitions.

A few photos from Vanishing St. Louis:

Demolition of a commercial storefront row on Vandeventer at Enright in December 2008. It was one of the last remaining original building fronting on Vandeventer for several blocks in both directions.

The site is run by Paul Hohmann, who is the the pricipal architect at Pyramid Architects. Pyramid Architects is a city-oriented firm with a focus on residential renovation, urban infill, and loft development in St. Louis (sounds like the kind of Architects we could use in this City!).

In his spare time Paul runs Vanishing St. Louis, which chronicles the destruction of historic buildings in St. Louis.

So check out the Blog, or Paul’s photos on Flickr, I think you’ll find it interesting.

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