An old photo of the SS Tashmoo, from version 1.0 of International Metropolis. Launched in 1900, she sailed the river and the lakes until June 18, 1936, when she struck a submerged rock in the river, and limped towards Amherstburg, where she made it to a dock, before sinking in 18 feet of water.

The Detroit News, has a good history here

This article ran in the Windsor Daily Star, July 22, 1936:


While the Tashmoo will soon be a thing of the past, her hull now being in the hands of the wreckers, that proud ship’s upper structure will remain a familiar sight to visitors along the Detroit River at Amherstburg. Yesterday the structure was lifted intact from its position on the sunken pleasure ship by employees of Captain J. Earl McQueen of Amherstburg.

Captain McQueen intends to convert the structure into a summer cottage, only minor changes being necessary to accomplish this. The cottage will face out into the waters of the river and will remain a link with the past, for the Tashmoo plied these waters for almost 40 years.

Does anyone know anything about this? Amherstburgians? It’s not still there is it? Is it standing, but hidden?


Also, I’ll be guest hosting today on Scaledown Radio. It’s on from Noon to 1:00 pm, on CJAM 91.5 FM. Listen in, if you can’t pick up the signal on your radio, you can listen live on-line, or even after the show streaming it via the CJAM website.

Today, I’ll be talking a little bit about this weekend’s upcoming Doors Open event, as well as the resignation of Greg Heil from the Heritage Committee, and Councilor Ron Jones’ lies in the paper following that.

Check it out if you can.

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