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A call for help…

I got this email a while back from a former resident who is trying to track down his family history, maybe one of the readers out there will be able to help him:

Grade 5 – Prince of Wales

My name is David Hansen, and I am a Windsor native now living in the Vancouver area.

I am currently working on various aspects of my family history, and right now I am focusing on their school years. … It was suggested that I contact you, for one thing that I want to do is to find a way to advertise a message that many people would see, and I don’t think that the newspaper is the way to go.

I am trying to find class pictures from the following schools:

For my Dad’s side:

Marlborough School (1933-34, 1937-41)

Prince of Wales School (1934-37, 1941-52, 1958-61)
General Brock School (1940-48, 1952-58)
J.L. Forster (1942-45, 1948-56, 1961-68)
W.D. Lowe (1943-51, 1957-59)
St. Francis School (1938-57)

From my Mom’s side:

King George School (1935-38)
Prince Edward School (1938-44).

I am also trying to find yearbooks from those periods. I understand that most of the high schools began publishing yearbooks again after World War II. Most of my parent’s and relatives school pictures have been lost over the years. If I could post something on your website or someone else’s that you could recommend, that may be far more effective than a one time newspaper ad.

If anyone has any photos from these years, or has any relatives that attended any of the schools listed above either post a reply in the comments or send me a private email (click here for email) and I can put you in touch with Mr. Hansen.

Marlborough School – 1940

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