DetroitPhoto Du Jour

1700 West Fort Street

Another beauty along Fort Street. This one is just west of 10th St.

A very hansome and large brick building. A little digging on this one uncovered its history.

This was the home of the Edson-Moore & Co, Dry Goods Wholesalers. A quick google search didn’t reveal too much. The company was founded in 1872, and was still in business as late as 1944.

Also the New York Times from Jan. 29, 1929 had an interesting death notice for James S. Meredith. Died at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Staten Island, Jan. 28, 1929, 70 years old . Burial, Jan. 30, at Dundas, Canada. Vice-President of Edson Moore & Co., a dry goods firm in Detroit, Mich.

A little more digging on Mr. Meredith came up with this:

MEREDITH, James S.; born, Dundas, Can., Sept. 17, 1859; son of James S. and Jane (Notman) Meredith; educated in Hamilton (Ont.) High School; married at New York City, Feb. 14, 1893, Katherine Cheever. Began active career in 1872 in employ of Donald, McInnes & Co., wholesalers of dry goods, Hamilton; came to Detroit and became connected with Edson, Moore & Co., 1878; removed to New York City, 1880, where he has since remained as Eastern resident buyer for the house, coming to Detroit several times each year; has been member of the firm since 1892. Independent Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: Merchants’ (New York City); Detroit Golf. Recreations: General outdoor sports. Office: 200 Jefferson Av., Detroit. Residence: Cedarhurst, L.I., N.Y.

Also of note is the Biography of Gaylord Gillis, the son of Ranson Gillis:

GILLIS, Gaylord Wilson, wholesale dry goods; born, Detroit, July 1, 1873; son of Ransom and Helen A. (Gaylord) Gillis; educated in public schools and University of Michigan, graduating, B.L., 1896; unmarried. Has been connected with the wholesale dry goods house of Edson, Moore & Co., since 1896, and has been member of the firm since 1904. Director Citizens’ Savings Bank. Presbyterian. Republican. Clubs: University, Detroit Boat, Commercial, Country. Recreation: Golf. Office: Edson, Moore & Co. Residence: 69 Alfred St.

All the biographies are from this website.

There are also two scanned artifacts from the company:




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