
New! Now you can suggest a future post

I’ve been working on a new feature, and I’ll shortly work it into the menu on the right hand side. I’ve created a form through Google Doc that will allow an easier way for readers to suggest topics for future posts. If there is something you would like to see covered on the site in a future post or if you have old photos like Kari did, and would like to see if myself or the…
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Reader SubmissionWindsor

Downtown Windsor - Spring 2000

Today’s photos come from regular reader and commenter Clare, who sent me these photos earlier this year. Both photos show the Norwich Block area, in the period between demolition and before construction of the Candrel Building. The photos date to the Spring of…
Lost WindsorOld Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Park Theatre

The photo above was taken at the grand opening in 1940. From the Windsor Star: May 17, 1940: Windsor’s newest and most modern theatre – The Park – located on Ottawa street between Hall and Moy avenues, will open its doors tonight at 6:30 p.m. Above is shown…
Lost WindsorWindsor

Wally's Baits

The photos on today’s post were actually taken back in February 2005, but I noticed earlier this summer, and meant to post about it sooner than today, but the old neon sign is gone. Any westsiders out there know anything about it? When was it removed? The sign was a long time fixture on the streetscape and it looks bare without it (sorry I didn’t get a current photo). The building…
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Trinity Lutheran Church

This church complex at 1215 Parent Avenue, just south of Gilles, has always caught my eye. The church was built in 1947 and designed by J.C. Pennington. My notes also show the church hall is an addition in 1979, designed by architect Raymond Masters. Has any reader out…

Riverside Cenotaph

With the shiny new WFCU centre open, the city closed down several community rinks and centres. Out front of the old Riverside Arena facing Wyandotte street is this Cenotaph. This was the town of Riverside’s cenotaph, dating back to the days before it was swallowed up by Windsor. I hope that our cultural affair department knows that this is here, and realizes the significance of it.
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Lost WindsorPostcardsWindsor

Former Chrysler Headquarters

Going through some old photos the other day, I came across this set I shot shortly before the demolition of the old Chrysler Canada Headquarters on Chrysler Centre Drive, back in 2003. The building was an imposing structure, along Chrysler Centre Drive, opposite the plant.
DemolitionLost WindsorWindsor

Another Demolition

Back in May, we paid a visit to the corner of Lincoln & Cataraqui to talk about the demolition of three houses on Lincoln Road. I got a call Thursday night from my dad, who gave me the heads up that the garage has met the same fate… Looks like somebody has…