The photo above was taken at the grand opening in 1940. From the Windsor Star: May 17, 1940:

Windsor’s newest and most modern theatre – The Park – located on Ottawa street between Hall and Moy avenues, will open its doors tonight at 6:30 p.m. Above is shown a front view of the beautiful new structure as it appears today. It will have scores of new features, such as smoking loges, seats equipped with ashtrays, latest type mirrorphonic sound and special ventilating equipment. Seating capacity of the new building is 815, every seat upholstered with sponge cushions.

The smoking loges will accommodate 160 persons and a modern ventilation system will keep the air clear of smoke. Every seat in the loges will have its own individual ash tray. There will be a complete change of program three times a week. The management is under the direction of Mr. Arthur Ducharme, long associated with the city’s most successful theatre operations. The New Park Theatre will stand out as an ornament of real distinction.

The Opening Night saw a double bill of Two Thoroughbreds & Little Old New York.

The photo above from shortly before closure in 1970.

The Park was located at 1377 Ottawa Street. Today the site is a vacant lot to the west of the current CIBC located on the corner of Ottawa & Moy.

The theatre was designed by Jay Isadore English in 1939. English was one of Canada’s most prolific theatre architects. English was responsible for many Odeon Theatre designs.

On June 13, 1970, the news came down that the 813 seat Park would be closed July 2nd. Famous Players announced the closure to coincide with the opening of the brand new Devonshire Mall cinemas I and II. M.A.S.H. as shown on the marquee was the final movie to run at the Park.

Shortly after closure the theatre was sold to the Bank of Commerce and the theatre demolished for parking.

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