Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsPostcardsRenderingsWindsor

Bartlet Building Annex

From the Border Cities Star – June 14, 1924: Above is a drawing prepared by Cameron and Ralston, architects, for the handsome new office and store building which is being erected by Mr. E. N. Bartlet, at the northeast corner of London and Pelisser Streets. As the drawing shows, the building will be six stories in height, and will be modern in every detail. The two lower floors will be given…
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2009 - The Year In Review

Sadly, 2009 goes into the books as another banner year for demolitions. JANUARY – PRINCE OF WALES 1918 – 2009. To be replaced with the new Engineering Building at the University of Windsor. JANUARY – ROYALE TAVERN c. 1920 – 2009. Replaced by a…

Misspelled Signs

Conveniece? Google is your friend, or even a dictionary. Now, I know that my spelling isn’t always spot on… But at least I didn’t spell the website name wrong 😉 Did you mean? I think you did… ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As a side note, this will be it for a few days. I’m…
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Proposed Waterfront Stage [UPDATED]

**New copies of the pictures have been uploaded, with the exception of the first four, since they’re not critical to the post, IMO. (Plus it’s Christmas Eve…) The first slide is an overview of the plaza, with the points of entry… Another overview…

1650 Howard Avenue

Today home to a church or two, this buff brick beauty on Howard Ave just north of Tecumseh Rd., was built around 1938 as a Coca-Cola Bottling Plant. The building was designed by the Toronto Architectural Firm of Chapman & Oxley. Some of their more notable works include…

Design Studio g+G Architects

This former power station at 1057 Walker Road was designed and built by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario in 1914. It was known as Hydro Sub Station Number 1, and was in service until 2002 or so, when it was decommissioned by EnWin. The blueprints for the building, refer to it as the “Windsor & Walkerville Municipal Transformer Station”. This building is one of a…
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We Have A Winner!

Using the the simple and fair random number generator found on random.org, we have a winner. There were 50 comments left, so everyone had a 1 in 50 chance of winning and after plugging in the data: The winner is the author of Post # 16, mike k. Congratulations to mike, and…

First Baptist Church

Back in February 2008, we took a look at the First Baptist church at the corner of Mercer & Tuscarora in downtown Windsor. At the time, I had said that I knew little about the building’s history. A little research this year, has uncovered a bit more. From the…