
Design Studio g+G Architects

This former power station at 1057 Walker Road was designed and built by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario in 1914.

It was known as Hydro Sub Station Number 1, and was in service until 2002 or so, when it was decommissioned by EnWin.

The blueprints for the building, refer to it as the “Windsor & Walkerville Municipal Transformer Station”.

This building is one of a long line of attractive and architecturally interesting Hydro Substations.

After nearly 90 years of service in supplying power to the surrounding area (and before that, the Town of Walkerville), the building was declared as a surplus property, and luckily the property was purchased by someone with vision, and not one of the surrounding land speculators who have done nothing to improve the Walker Road corridor.

The building as yo can see has been rehabbed and re adapted for office use. The building is today home to a local architectural firm called Design Studio g+G Architects, you can check out their website here.

One of the coolest features of the building is this original cast iron spiral staircase.

A view back towards the main floor from the top of the spiral staircase.

The building contains three floors including the basement. The second floor is currently empty and you can really get a feel for building by looking at the brick, steel (from the Canadian Bridge Company in Walkerville), and poured concrete, it is truly an amazing building.

Finally this graffiti is located on the ceiling on the second floor. Keep in mind this is a good 20 feet up there… So W. Scott, if you’re out there, I hope you enjoyed your nap 32 years ago…


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