Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Sandwich Street - 1954

Once again, a Happy Friday to everyone! Today’s old photo shows us a view along Sandwich St with a date of April 19, 1954. A nice close up view of the old retail that was once along this stretch of Sandwich St. You could get your TV repaired, and pick up some Bologna within step of each other. View Larger Map Here is a view of the same scene today, what a difference 57 years makes. Have a…
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Old Newspaper StoriesOld PhotographsWindsor

Oliver Farm Subdivision

“Officials of the small holdings development branch of the Veterans Land Act visited the Maryland or Oliver subdivision near Windsor yesterday to view the subdivision and judge it as par of the Dominion-wide competition which will name the best developed subdivision in…

Sandwich Post Office at Risk Again?

I seem to recall something similar a few years ago… now it sounds like once again the post office may be in jeopardy… In case anyone is interested, I’m passing on the info below. Thanks to Linda for forwarding the…
Old PhotographsWindsor

1799 Wyandotte St. E. - Former Bank of Montreal

In my opinion one of the nicest buildings on Wyandotte Street. This white terra-cotta clad Beaux-Arts stlye building was originally commissioned by the Merchants Bank Of Canada. It was designed by the firm Of Hogle & Davis of Montreal in 1912. Hogle & Davis designed many locations for the Merchants Bank, from Halifax to Calgary. It was announced in 1921, that the Bank of Montreal would…
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Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Ojibway Blast Furnace - 1935

Happy Friday everyone! This Friday’s old photo is dated August 18, 1935, and the caption reads “Canadian Steel Plant Ojibway”. In this photo we’re looking east back towards Brighton Beach, the river is to our back, and that boat slip, is the one we…
Old AdsWindsor

Official Pocket Map of The Border Cities

During the pre-depression days when the bridge was nearing completion, there were many different companies purchasing land and sub-dividing it, expecting to strike gold. However as the stock market crashed, these properties remained vacant, and along the way only a handful…

3584 Victoria - Mrs. F.E. Currah Residence

This beauty in South Windsor was built in 1929, for Mrs. F. E. Currah. She was the manager of the Windsor Supply Co., which is listed in the old City Directories as being a place to get “threshers’ supplies”. The house appeared in the December 31, 1929 issue of the paper, as one of the fine residences erected in the past year. The house was designed by Pennington & Boyde…
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3549 Victoria

John Boyde House – second wife 1927 – lost depression etc… Today we head back to South Windsor, and back to Victoria Boulevard, and a look at 3549 Victoria. This house with the crazy brick work was designed by John Boyde, a partner in the firm of…