Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Wolf's Hotel

Happy Friday once again everyone! Today’s photo is a bit of a mystery. I sadly don’t have much background on it either… It is dated April 18, 1954, and the caption on the back reads: Wolfgang Feller Windsor Roadhouse Prop. – Wolf Hotel I did find the photo above in a book from 1913. The caption reads as follows: WOLF’S HOTEL For twenty-six years, more than a quarter…
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Wigle Park Clubhouse

One of the building recently brought up in the comments on another post, involved the Wigle Park Club house. The building opened September 2, 1922, and cost $13,000 to build (about $170,000 today). The building was erected by the Windsor Park Commission, and contained (and…
Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

33 Wyandotte Street East - 1948

We looked at the Syrian Coffee Shop back in April, today’s photo is from the same series. This one is dated February 29, 1948, the caption on the back simply reads: 33 Wyandotte Windsor – Gambling The series is an interesting snapshot in time of the commerical store fronts around Windsor. The Roxy Billiards hall was located in the Douglas Building, long demolished, like the Syrian…
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Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Windsor

2540 McDougall - Death Fences

I took these photos last Wednesday, so they are a week old, and it’s possible that the building is already gone. It’s not an architectural treasure, but this warehouse still tells part of the story of this part of town. McDougall between Eugenie and Gilles is…
Old PhotographsWindsor

Whelpton & Drouillard - 1945

Happy Friday everyone, and Happy Long Weekend! This was the post that was planned for last Friday, but got cancelled due to unplanned downtime. So we’ll try again today. Today’s old photo is dated, September 12, 1945, the caption on the back reads: Ford Plant # 2 Strike – Windsor Looks like it was a happening place. I’m not sure if the street was usually this busy, or if…
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C.S. Wind Plant Expansion

View Larger Map C.S. Wind, as reported, purchased this building from Valiant Tool, as their new manufacturing location. The building located on Anchor Drive against the expressway between Lauzon & Banwell, has seen the Valiant signs come down and C.S. Wind ones go up in…

1989 Ontario Street

This 1925 built Tudor Revival, listed on the heritage inventroy but not designated, sold last summer. It’s one I’ve always been fond, of, but it’s usually overshadowed by it’s neighbour to the east, the Low-Martin House. The new owners slapped a giant…