Lost WindsorOld PhotographsWindsor

Wolf’s Hotel

Happy Friday once again everyone! Today’s photo is a bit of a mystery. I sadly don’t have much background on it either…

It is dated April 18, 1954, and the caption on the back reads:

    Wolfgang Feller Windsor Roadhouse Prop. – Wolf Hotel

I did find the photo above in a book from 1913. The caption reads as follows:

    For twenty-six years, more than a quarter of a century, Wolfgang Feller has conducted a popular summer resort familiarly known as “Wolf’s”. This pleasure haunt has long had an international reputation gained by the excellent quality of its table, together with the unsurpassed beauty of its surroundings. Located on the Canadian side of the Detroit River, the place stands opposite historic Peach Island. Accessible both by cars and boats, it has been the mecca for thousands of lovers of pleasure every year since it was opened to the public. To attempt a comprehensive description of Walkerville without telling all about Wolf’s would be like attempting to stage “Hamlet” without, Hamlet.

    Fishing in season and boating are to be enjoyed. The scenic beauty of the country adjoining this locality enhances the enjoyment of the many guests. The principal feature of “Wolf’s”, however, is the well spread table — that which, appeals to the inner man. Unsurpassed cuisine, carefully selected foods of the choicest that a large market affords, and surpassing all, perfectly prepared fresh fish, fowl, frogs’ legs and all kinds of game in season have made “Wolf’s” a name long to be remembered.

    Many travellers and tourists en route from east and west plan, while stopping in this vicinity, to enjoy an excursion to this famous resort. The proprietor, of long experience in purveying to the tastes of discriminating people, has the distinction of being host to more guests than many conducting hotels in many of the larger cities.

    Reservation may be made in advance by mail, or by telephone to 670-1 ring.

Sounds like it was quite the place.

Have a good weekend everyone, see you back here Monday.

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