Kildare and Tuscarora - Walkerville - c. 1910
September 23, 2011
Photo from the collection of the Library of Congress
Happy Friday once again everyone, today’s old photo Friday comes from the collection of the Library of Congress, and the Detroit Publishing Company Archives.
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Here’s the same view a century…
Oventhal Building - 1022 Wyandotte Street East
September 21, 2011
This building on Wyandotte Street West has long been one of my favourites. The large glass block windows on the second floor harken back to the 1930’s. I have no real information on the building or architect. The address comes up as being originally home to the…
Ada C. Richards - Follow up
September 19, 2011
Back on the 7th, we took a final look at Ada C. Richards School. Last weekend, I swung by to take a look at the aftermath.
The structure is completely gone. Just a pile of rubble remains.
The sidewalk to the door remains, but lead only to bricks.
Houses on side streets are now visible from Ontario Street. No idea what the future holds for this parcel of land. It was sold earlier in the year…
Our Lady Of The Lake - Walkerville
September 16, 2011
A postcard showing the interior of Our Lady of the Lake Church, c. 1910. The photo above is undated, but the church was built in 1907, and it was a Pesha postcard, and Mr. Pesha, passed away in a automobile accident in 1912. So the photo was taken sometime in that five year…
Wyandotte and Louis
September 14, 2011
This big old commercial building had the dreaded orange fences go up the other day.
However given the scaffolding out front, I don’t think we’re going to see a demolition here. I sadly suspect a Windsor special “treatment” is planned.
Old original…
Casino Area Demolition
September 12, 2011
Over the weekend, some more demolitions took place. This house above…
…along with this one next door were both torched in a fire in April 2009.
Two and a half years later, they came down over this past weekend.
Sadly this large Victorian Commercial building also bit the dust.
Also victim of a suspicious fire this one was empty for the last few years.
It too bit the dust.
50 - Year Landmark Down in Seconds
September 9, 2011
From the Detroit Free Press – Saturday, April 30, 1977 p. 18-C
In a spectacular example of now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t, St. Mary’s Academy, a Windsor landmark for 50 years, was reduced to a smoking pile of…
Ada C. Richards School
September 7, 2011
Over the weekend, I received a few emails that the old grade school at Ontario just west of Pillette was biting the dust. See here for photos of the demolition on
Another part of Windsor’s history again bites the dust.
Designed by Albert McPhail, the…