
2013 - Happy New Year

Just when you think you’ve seen it all… Windsor can still surprise you. I’m not sure how long this sign has been here, in the middle of the sidewalk, but I noticed it when I walked past it the other night with my wife. It’s an idiotic location at the best of times, but even worse in the winter. Whatever engineering genius thought this was a good idea, or an acceptable…
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Riverside Park - c. 1915

A neat old World War I era postcard. This one showing the Riverside Park in Windsor. No details given on this one, but I think it was the park at the foot of Bruce Avenue. Back in March, 2011 there was this post about a proposed pavilion for Riverside park. Less than one…
Old Newspaper StoriesRenderingsUnbuiltWindsor

Suggested Civic Centre

This comes from regular reader Mike F. who came across this rendering from the Border Cities Star, November 1, 1930: Location of the proposed new Canadian National Railways station on the riverfront, at the foot of Windsor avenue, with a city hall square at the avenue’s head, is provided by Thomas Adams, city planner, in the sketch above, provided to the Windsor Council late yesterday.
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2013 Calendars

Happy Monday everyone, if you’ve ordered a calendar, I’m happy to report they’ve arrived. Anyone in Windsor who ordered one who lives in an apartment, will have them mailed out later today. Anyone in a house will have them delivered to their door, by…

Windsor Truck And Storage

Back last month, there was a post when the cranes went up on the old Windsor Truck and Storage Building. Above is a photo taken yesterday, which shows several courses of brick have been removed, and some of the structural block behind it as well. What ever is going on, looks to be serious. Here’s a shot of the same area from April, 2009. It appears that there was previous work done on this…
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Demolitiongoing, going, gone...Windsor

Demolition Notice

A pair of demolitions underway this week… First off and already gone, the former Horseshoe Battery on Ouellette Ave. on the south end of the Jackson Park overpass. This one started the other day, and it’s already long gone. Not any kind of historic building…