
2013 – Happy New Year

Just when you think you’ve seen it all… Windsor can still surprise you. I’m not sure how long this sign has been here, in the middle of the sidewalk, but I noticed it when I walked past it the other night with my wife.

It’s an idiotic location at the best of times, but even worse in the winter. Whatever engineering genius thought this was a good idea, or an acceptable location for the placement of a sign should be be reassigned a new job.

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Apparently, it’s been there for a while…

You can only shake your head.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday season, 2013 here, and we’re back to normal… This year marks the 10th anniversary of International Metropolis. Hard to believe, but I never expected to still be at this a decade later… June 12, 2013 will mark the 10th birthday. How about that… 🙂

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